Students’ attendance has strong correlation with achievement
A pupil’s attendance will directly affect their achievement in school. Evidence shows that a pupil’s progress and attainment is affected if their attendance falls below 90% and statistics show that if pupils miss just 17 days (34 sessions) of school, their GCSE attainment is likely to drop by an entire grade.
100% attendance is 190 days in school.
8 days of absence is 96%.
12 days of absence is 94%.
19 days absence is 90%.
29 days absence is 85%.
38 days absence is 80%.
47 days absence is 75%.
Schools must monitor pupils’ attendance closely through the daily register and should address poor, irregular, or non-attendance.
Parents’ responsibilities:
Section 8 of the Education Act 1996 places a duty on parents to ensure that their children receive efficient full-time education if they are of compulsory school age.
So please continue to communicate with us via Parent Mail, calls to attendance officer Laverne Thompson, Senior Leader Cashan Campbell or communication with the tutor or Achievement Coordinator for the year group is always appreciated. This will ensure that all communication you have with the school is accurately recorded on our Sims registers.
If you have a planned absence, please use the forms on our website:
You can collect a form from our main reception should you wish.
Parents’ rights:
Parents have a duty to ensure that a child of compulsory school age receives an efficient full-time education either by regular attendance at school or otherwise. Parents therefore have a right, if they wish, to educate their children at home.
Ultimately, good attendance ensures a wider school experience for our students, in terms of a rich and inclusive curriculum, enrichment extra-curricular activities, achievement and pastoral support.
We thank you for your support.