Class Charts

We use Class Charts, an online system which allows teachers to track pupil achievement, behaviour and attendance. One of the key benefits of Class Charts is that it enables us to share this information with parents and pupils.

PARENT GUIDE – Download Fairfield Class Charts Parent Guide

You can access Class Charts via the website: or through the iOS and Android Class Charts apps. Please find attached detailed instructions on how to set up your Class Charts account and how to interpret the information being shared.

Students have been introduced to Class Charts in tutor time where they were shown how to log in and navigate the website. We encourage students to download the app to their mobile devices if they have one.

We hope that the information shared on Class Charts will help spark positive conversations about your child’s day-to-day learning.

FAQs and Troubleshooting 

My child has forgotten their access code 

Please contact their form tutor and ask for their student code.

I don’t have a parent code or I can’t log in 

Please contact [email protected] and ask for a new parent code.

My password is not working or is incorrect 

Please use the ‘Forgot my password!’ link to reset your password

What do I do if my child has an unauthorised absence? 

Unauthorised attendance will be displayed in red. This means your child did not attend the lesson and did not have a valid reason to do so. Please talk to your child about this absence. If you have concerns or queries about information communicated via Class Charts, please contact your child’s form tutor via email.

My child has been given a behaviour point. What can I do? 

It’s really important to keep an open and ongoing discussion about your child’s learning, achievements and behaviour in lessons. If your child is given an achievement or behaviour point it is vital to discuss this with them.  If your child has any queries about a behaviour point, we encourage them to talk directly to their subject teacher. These conversations help to build the relationships and strong community our school thrives on. If you have concerns or queries about information communicated via Class Charts, please contact your child’s form tutor via email.

I have more than one child at the school

If you have more than one child at Fairfield, you will be able to access Class Charts information about your children from one centralised parent account. Please see the ‘Adding additional pupils’ and ‘Switching between pupils’ section in the ‘Parent Class Charts Guide’ which has been sent to you via ParentMail.

We need multiple parent/guardian accounts to access Class Charts 

Where needed, multiple parent/household accounts can be set up for each child. The code we send you can be shared between parents/guardians as you can each create a separate account with your own email address.

I would like to know more about the Class Charts privacy policy 

Class Charts store your data securely in the UK. Your email address is used for account login and shared with us so that we can send notifications and assist with account login problems. Class Charts do not share your data with any other parties and never use it for marketing purposes.

For more detailed information please click here:

If you have any further questions or queries, please contact [email protected]