Ofsted are agents for His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills, they hold inspections of schools in England.
February 2023
Fairfield High School was last inspected on 8th February 2023; the inspectors reported that Fairfield continues to be a good school.
- Pupils are happy and safe. They feel that staff are caring and respectful and ambitious for their futures. Parents say this too.
- Teachers have the subject knowledge they need to teach the curriculum well. The curriculum helps pupils to develop an understanding of healthy relationships appropriate to their age.
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
- Leaders have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and conduct. As a result, the school has a calm and purposeful atmosphere.
A full copy of the 2023 inspection report can be downloaded below:
November 2017
Fairfield High School was inspected on 28th November 2017, the inspectors reported the school continues to be good.
During the inspection, the inspectors noted the following:
- The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.
- The school serves a rich and culturally diverse population, with over 40 nationalities represented within the pupil cohort.
- There has been, and continues to be, a concerted focus on teaching.
- Safeguarding is effective.
A full copy of the 2017 inspection report can be downloaded below: