
If you are ill or cannot come to school, ALL members of staff must phone this number before 7.30 am:
Staff absence line: (0117) 952 7105


• Not only should you call the cover line on the first day of your sickness before 7.30, but inform your line manager. If you say how long you are going to be off for in the message then you don’t need to call in on subsequent days. Please make sure you leave a clear message with your name.

• Cover must be emailed to both your line manager and to [email protected] before 8am if possible. This allows your teams to print and prepare any work to leave in your rooms, and allows the cover team to know in advance what they are doing.

• If you have a known absence coming up, please supply the cover work by the previous Wednesday.

• Directors of Faculty are responsible for quality of cover set by their teams – please ensure enough work is set and is challenging enough for students, but easy for the cover supervisor to access.

• Please ensure your MINT class seating plans are in place and kept up to date.