Bristol Children’s Vaccine Centre searching for participants
We encourage members of our community to participate in a study called ‘What’s the STORY’ run by Bristol Children’s Vaccine Centre, which involves taking a blood sample from children aged 0–19 to look at their levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
The Centre urgently needs more children from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community. From the research carried out so far it has become clear that people from all minority ethnic groups (apart from Chinese and mixed-race groups) are at greater risk of becoming sick with COVID-19 than the white population in the UK. The Centre needs to understand why and tackle this urgently through health research.
Please see attached a Parent Invitation Letter to find out more about what the study involves; additionally please visit the following website:
All participants will receive a £20 voucher to compensate them for their time and travel expenses. Participants will not find out their individual results of the blood test.